Bad jokes FM
Inside the mind of: James
Inside the mind of: Peplow
Inside the mind of: Greg
Inside the mind of: Huw
The others
Shit/failed jokes
James's resolution


James - Faster than a cat, slower than a turtle, uglier than a mule, dumber than a...very dumb thing - james is a self proclaimed 'hugonaut' and was recently dubbed 'king of puns' by none other than the Raging Cajun - Mr Simon.G (For God damn im funny) Peplow.
Reads funny books - knows a few big words - thinks he's clever because of it.


Peplow - Mr peplow is a regular in our little coven of pain and suffering, we inflict terrible puns upon the world, as can be seen in our artists renditioning of 'The four funnymen of the apocalypse'.
An easy target - Peplow grew up in a little known area of a little known area - a place in 'Wales' called 'Wick'.
His terrible choice of abode is his weakest link, and is therefore exploited and laughed at with a passion.


Greg - Greg is not so easy to joke about as some of us, he is altogether too bland, however has been known to eat his own shoulder, send his face into incontrollable fits, and go 'eurgh' at odd moments. These peculiar activities seem to have dulled down recently - but like the flu - they will most likely come back with a vengeance.


Huw - Welcome our new arrival! Huw was the original crazy hair guy - but was easily beaten by James.
Huw enjoys living in his virtual world and creating computer viruses aplenty.
He worships satan and likes diseases.
A curious fellow indeed, his humour is mainly more of a subtle one - however we frequently have bouts of total insanity...which is nice.

The crocomoose!

The crocomoose - Ahh, the Crocomoose - loved by many - feared by all.
This native beasty of the scottish highlands is a genetic highbrid of what are supposedly the most dangerous animals in the world.
The crocodile is known throughout the the planet as a rather dangerous animal - protecting its property and fighting for its country whenever needed.
And the moose - what do you need to know? It's the king of the jungle.
Both combined animals form the ultimate predator and are feared the world over.

Watch as we steal souls

The four funnymen of the apocalypse - James, Peplow, Greg and Huw make up the four funnymen.
They roam the earth, telling feeble jokes and absorbing the souls of all those who hear them.


Bean - Beans humour is less subtle than an exploding elephant, he delights in dancing around making annoying noises and generally getting on peoples tits
Rather hilariarse most of the time and has done to the human race what a sledgehammer does to a wall.


Tash - Tash is the loved one of the group - everyone fancies her, she has managed to make a list of over 15 people who love her - and as a result she now wants to marry every one of them.
She seems to have spoken constantly for as long as anyone has known her - but thats why we love her.
She crazy.

Natural selection at work

Running zebra - Darwin once stole the phrase "survival of the fittest", but technology has changed that, now it's survival of whatever has the best wheels.

The Pooduck
Pooduck...and die....